LOosE EnDs . . .

Me and Mine | NeW and uSed picS | If you don't have ID... you can't get in | Out of our Mouths | A Page Dedicated to the Cool | How To Booty Bounce! | Art Art Art | Bearing My Soul...? | Moving On to Dumber | Contact and the End

Hey Guys. I'm glad you have't totally lost faith in my page yet. Due to my hectic life, I have neglected the page and now that things are slowing down and my stress level has at least dropped somewhat I'm going to try to get this going again. Sorry Its been so nuts! I've missed you all!

Anyway, Don't forget to sign the guestbook! I'm wishing you all a very happy new year. As slowly as my updates may come, they will come so have no fear. Take care - Lauren

Damn The Man!

You're Like a Sponge



Things that Everyone Needs in their Life (That I am aware of):

*One good friend to listen
*One good friend to talk
*Three good frieds to balance
*One good friend of the same gender
*One good friend of the opposite gender
*A sense of humor
*A universal excuse
*Someone to appreciate one's quirks
*Someone to despise
*Somewhere to turn
*One good favorite candy
*A goal
*A picture of a sunset
*A perfect memory
*A regret

"No Day But Today"